Offre de poste de Praticien Hospitalier Contractuel – APHP Henri Mondor

Offre de poste de Praticien Hospitalier Contractuel

Poste proposé

  • Praticien Hospitalier Contractuel
  • Exercice à temps plein
  • Spécialité : Bactériologie
  • Date de début de contrat : Mai 2024 ou Novembre 2024
  • Durée : un an
  • Lieu d’exercice : Unité de Bactériologie du Département « Prévention, Diagnostic, Traitement des Infections » des Hôpitaux Universitaires Henri Mondor situé à Créteil
    (94), accessible par la ligne 8 du métro.

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  1. I share your level of appreciation for the work you’ve produced. The sketch you’ve displayed is elegant, and the content you’ve authored is sophisticated. Yet, you appear to be concerned about the possibility of heading in a direction that could be seen as dubious. I agree that you’ll be able to resolve this matter efficiently.

  2. The enthusiasm I have for your work matches your own. Your visual presentation is refined, and the content you’ve authored is of a high caliber. Nevertheless, you appear to be uneasy about the possibility of delivering something that may cause unease. I agree that you’ll be able to address this concern promptly.

  3. I was just as fascinated by your creations as you were. The sketch you’ve presented is elegant, and the material you’ve written is sophisticated. Yet, you seem concerned about the prospect of embarking on something that could be perceived as dubious. I’m confident you’ll be able to resolve this issue quickly.


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