3-year Postdoctoral position available, Institut Pasteur Lille

3-year Postdoctoral position available
Institut Pasteur de Lille – Centre of Infection and Immunity of Lille – France
Team: Chemical Biology of Antibiotics

It is urgently pertinent that novel antibiotic molecules with novel mechanism of action are discovered and developed to fight the emergence of drug resistance for tuberculosis therapy as well as for nosocomial bacterial therapy. To this extent, collaborative research between the “Centre of Infection and immunity of Lille” (U1019) and the Center “Drug and molecules for living systems” (U1177) have identified potent and specific molecules that target novel bacterial systems. The molecules of interest are specific inhibitors of the respiratory chain of M. tuberculosis and innovative modulators of antibiotic activity in Enterobacteriaceae. In the contexts of these two chemical series, a consortium has been built to accelerate their development to preclinical candidates, characterise there mechanism of action, and evaluate their potential in drug combinations. To this extent, a 3- year postdoctoral position is available immediately in the team of Dr. Ruben Hartkoorn at Institut Pasteur de Lille.

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